Version 6.2: Release notes

Release notes MatrixFrame® version 6.2

Processed in version 6.2 (December 2024)

These updates MatrixFrame, MxTools, and MxFloor, fixing issues for better performance

New and Improved Features


  • Visibility properties for member(s) representation: An additional setting, “Highlight non-active members" was implemented in the Visibility properties/Layers/Structure view. If this setting is “On,” the nonactive members will be presented with system lines.
  • New structure import option: Implemented the capability to import grillage structures using Technosoft XML files in .TSXML format.
  • Structure geometry. Member rotation angle: The definition of the member rotation angle γ is the subject of the member definition part. The member rotates counterclockwise around its local X' axis by specifying the rotation angle, γ [degrees], in the Member definition grid table. The member rotation angle γ is available only in the 3DFrame, 1.5D, and 2.5D packages. When the member is rotated by angle γ, all properties related to its local axes, such as the cross-section and local loads acting on it, are also rotated. The member rotation angle does not affect the member's geometric characteristics but influences the computational system's overall stiffness. When interpreting the analysis results, consider the member’s local coordinate system, rotated by angle γ, as the results are presented relative to this rotated system. The member rotation angle γ differs from the initial cross-section rotation angle. The initial rotation angle of the member’s cross-section, assuming γ is equal to 0 (γ = 0), can be defined in the Section definition part. For detailed information, look:
  • Supports definition. Eccentrically placement of support(s): The eccentricity of the support refers to a shift in the member axis placement of the support position on the local Y' coordinate of the member. The analysis calculation of the member-located supports is aimed at accounting for the appearance of torsional force because of the eccentrically placed support. With the eccentric supports defined, the advanced analysis option of the reduced torsion is neither meaningful nor encouraged. Detailed information about the eccentricity of the support is presented in the KB under:
  • Loads definition. Eccentrically placement of load(s): An eccentrically applied load describes the shift of the loading axis relative to the axis of the cross-section in the direction of the local Y-axis of a member. The eccentric shift of the loads is implemented only under the 2D-Grillage package. Only Z-direction loads (distributed or concentrated) can be applied eccentrically.
  • Wind load generation for Multispan roofs: Implemented under NEN-EN 1991-1-4#7.2.7 requirements, roofs can be classified as Multispan if the building has at least two spans. The Multispan roof structure must consist of regularly repeating Monopitch or Duopitch roof types. A mix of Monopitch and Duopitch roof types is prohibited within the same structure. Variations in rooftop or roof-bottom altitudes are not allowed in the same structure. Multispan roofs are detected automatically, requiring no user intervention.
  • Snow load generation modification because of solar panels: Implemented snow load calculation modification because of solar panels. The snow load generator solar panel placement choice can be manually selected/deselected on the member by pressing the "Solar panel" button. Using the member-applied solar panel, the snow load shape coefficient µ1 for the tilted solar panel arrangement is taken as limit value µ1 = µp = 1. Affected calculations are presented in the loads calculations table for the snow load.
  • Loads definition: Added the ability to sort loads by a member in the load cases within the load's definition grid table. This can be done by clicking the Member/Node column header.
  • Loads combination generator options: The introduced load combinations situation generates load combination(s) for the favorable permanent load acting in combination with wind action(s). Combination situation choice is introduced as an additional wind combination rule called Favourable permanent+wind. By default, the newly introduced rule is set to off.
  • Results. Support reactions: If a support is defined at an angle, the support reactions aligned with the support rotation angle are presented using bracket notation. The report displays the rotation-aligned support reactions when selecting the detailed report option.
  • Reports Setup. Style parameter: It is now possible to disable CSS fonts override in reports setup, page 'Style'. Thus, customers are always sure that CSS fonts are used.



  • Punching advance major improvements: The following significant additions have been made to the Punching Advanced module:

1. New types of parametrically defined columns have been introduced: 

  1.1 Rectangle Arc (RA ###x###) 
  1.2 Polyhedron (P###x#) 

  1.3 T-Shape (T ###x###x###x###x###) 

For more details, refer to the Matrix Frame Knowledge Base: : 

2. The definition of the edge contour for corner column panels has been improved by allowing the specification of reference rotation angles for the first and second edges, labeled as "Edge Angle 1" and "Edge Angle 2." 

3. The universal punching calculation method, Beta (EN-NEN 1992-1-1#6.4.3), has been implemented, as outlined in "CT23 Ponsberekening nader beregarding (Normbesef 1)," page 58.

  • M-N-Kappa improvements: The MatrixTools component M-N-kappa now has a new functions. The application Results table now allows you to provide a value for the acting bending moment and get the corresponding stiffness EI.


    The results grid for the M-N-Kappa diagram calculation now represents the stiffness value of EI calculated as M'Ed / Kappa.


    The MatrixTools M-N-Kappa diagram module can represent the combined state of M-N-Kappa diagrams for ULS and SLS.


  • Steel Joint Connections improvements: column baseplate code check for anchors has been improved. According to CUR 10, a plastic concrete cone failure check is not required if the load on the anchors is significantly smaller than the concrete failure strength (UC 1/1.7 ~ 0.588). Under these conditions, the UC value with Ft;Rd will be skipped, and the user will see a UC value of 0.


  • MatrixFloor

  • Front view drawing with the prestress strands in it: A front view representation of the cross-section has been implemented to display the actual state of the applied pattern of strands. The strand pattern is shown 'as calculated,' meaning it accounts for the natural placement of hollows, applied gaps, and cover. Any strand within a defined hollow applied gap, or the cover area will remove the strand bar(s) in those locations.
  • Rib plates. Exceptional setting is added:  An exceptional setting for Rib Plates has been added to support two-bar reinforcement, where the first bar diameter is user-specified, and the second bar can be any diameter with the condition that it cannot exceed twice the diameter of the first bar (e.g., 1R10 + 1R24 is not allowed)

Bug Fixes


  • General. Optional/Miscellaneous setting: Optional/Miscellaneous setting for renumbering load labels in the Loads generator has been relocated to the System tab of the Loads wizard.
  • General. Loading of project files: Warning messages are displayed when loading projects that contain unsupported codes (NEN). The analysis calculations disregard the code information and treat the project as codeless.
  • RTF import: Improved RTF report import by supporting loading import when values are printed without space.
  • Visibility options: The unity check precision preset for visualization has been relocated alongside other digit settings (length, forces, etc.) in the visibility dialog and added to report options. 


    The possibility of switching on/off gridline labels was added to Visibility properties/ Gridlines and Dimension lines. 


    Implemented additional settings in load visibility options-> Concentrated load arrow head-> Distributed load arrowhead.

  • Using cross-section material: Concrete code checks can be performed on projects that contain specific concrete materials, even if they are not stored in the local database, as long as they were created on computers where the materials are actively used.
  • Load combinations generator: Updated the load combination generator for NEN-EN 1991-1-1 and NEN8700: the Characteristic and Frequent load combination scenarios under Rules (B) and (C) in the Columns and Foundations group will now apply pairwise extreme values to live load floors. Quasi-Permanent scenario under Rules (B) and (C) in the Columns and Foundations group will now follow the same rule sets as those under Rule (A).
  • Results. Support reactions: Solved problem with support reactions envelope values presentation in GUI.
  • Results. Envelopes. New UI functionality is introduced: A 'Sum of loads for members' button has been added to the Results Envelopes structure view toolbar. This button is disabled when an envelope is selected from the dropdown but is enabled for any load combination or load case selection.
  • FEM. UI option for moving objects: A new option has been introduced to conveniently move or delete FEM objects, such as supports, loads, etc. To facilitate this, a context menu with 'Move' and 'Delete' options has been added to all FEM region object definition grids within the 'Smart Sense Navigator' browser window.
  • Concrete options: Options for concrete beams and slabs that affect bar positioning have been moved to the Bar Positioning branch within the concrete options.
  • A global optional setting has been introduced under 'Concrete Options -> Bar Positioning -> Supporting Member on Release' allowing the release positioning of the supporting concrete beam's connectivity to be specified as Left, Right, or None.
  • Concrete check. Validation of the placement of stirrups:  Fixed the problem with the necessary additional information about stirrup placement. For example, if basic stirrups are R8-300 and additional R8-70, additional reinforcement will be shown in red in the grid table, and a tooltip will inform that reinforcement must be symmetric. For R8-300 can be used such combinations of additional reinforcement: R8-150; R8-100; R8-75...
  • Report setup: Conditional splitting of "Internal Forces & deflections" report into separate reports of "Internal Forces" and "Internal Deflections" is introduced.


    The checkbox "Group support reactions by load case type" in the Reports Options tab allows customers to get extreme support reactions for load cases.


    When dealing with larger report files (.pdf), an issue may occur where the header and/or footer sections are not displayed on all generated report pages. To avoid this, the user should adjust the "Reports Setup -> Page -> More time for header/footer to load:" parameter to a value that resolves the issue. This value depends on the size of the report and the computer's performance, and it is recommended to set it within the range of 100-1000 milliseconds. Note: Changing this parameter will affect the speed of report generation and should only be increased if necessary.


    The dialog for presenting stress calculations results in the report was extended. The type of stress diagram presented as a picture can be selected in the tab Images in the Report Setup dialog.


    The Code check layer preset in reports affects the structural member definition image in the report.


    Reports extreme deflections table added additional information regarding extreme global deflections

  • Report presentation: Solved problem with the same multiple pictures in concrete crosscheck report in case of internal release in a structural member.


    Fixed an issue with the incorrect representation of loads in reports when the "Report Setup -> Options -> Split per each member (Load Cases)" option is enabled. Additionally, images showing no loads are no longer displayed.


    Improved extremum tables sorting order. Now sorting appears in this order: Member -> Field -> Lcase/LComb



  • Calculation of the self-weight: The calculation of self-weight has been updated when the "Total weight [kN/m²]" value is provided in the ProductTable database. If this value is present, the product's weight (full or partial) is calculated without considering the uneven distribution of material, such as cavities in the cross-section. If the "Total weight [kN/m²]" value is not provided in the ProductTable, the self-weight of the product is calculated by taking into account the uneven distribution of material across the product's surface, including cavities and other irregularities.
  • Reinforcement temperature: Solved problem with reinforcement temperature at the position of gaps in solid concrete floor.
  • Additional verifications/limitations were added: under NEN-EN 1168, Article 3.1.4 states that a fitting plate must be at least 250 mm wide and contain a minimum of two strands. Additionally, per Article, a fitting plate with a width of ≤ 600 mm must have at least two strands, while a width greater than 600 mm requires a minimum of three strands.


    If a gap, fitting, or any other plate body removal element is closer to the reinforcement bar than 0.5 times the bar diameter plus cover, the bar is excluded from the calculation and removed from the cross-section side view.


    The overview of the highlights of the key updates in MatrixFrame® version 6.2 can be found here: Highlights