Step 9: Moving loads

Loads Generator Step 9: Moving Loads (for beam elements)

Fig 1. Loads Generator Step 9: Moving Loads (for beam elements)


At the Step 9 you are able to create moving loads and to save them or to open existing loads using Open button.





name of load(s) system(s) is saved or loaded in from project file

Load value

load magnitude [kN]

Rel. position

relative load placement [m] in local X’ direction respectively last applied load; rel. position value could be positive or negative signed


load direction respectively to local Z'' or X' axis

Select/Stop selecting

select moving load track as user defined polyline track of structure members: press Select button and mark members in Structure View layout - along this track loads movement is possible; list of selected members is shown after pressing Stop selecting button

Begin/End member

the first/last member from the selected members group

Offset begin/end

offset [m] of starting/ending movement point for moving load system respectively begin/end point of load track polyline


quantity of load system stop-point steps inside load track taking into account offsets

Shift distance

shift value [m] for load system stop-points inside load track taking into account offsets

Selection length

total length [m] of selected members


Loads Generator Step 9: Moving Loads (for FEM elements)

Fig 2. Loads Generator Step 9: Moving Loads (for FEM elements)





name of load(s) system(s) is saved or loaded in from project file

Load value

load magnitude [kN]

Rel. position

relative load placement [m] in local X’ direction respectively last applied load; rel. position value could be positive or negative signed

Perp. offset

offset value [m] for a load placement perpendicular and respectively to local X’ axis; perp. offset value could be positive or negative signed

Select/Stop selecting

select moving load track as user defined polyline track; along this track movement of moving load is possible


Offset begin/end

offset [m] of starting/ending movement point for moving load system respectively begin/end point of load track polyline


quantity of load system stop-point steps inside load track taking into account offsets

Shift distance

shift value [m] for load system stop-points inside load track taking into account offsets

Selection length

total length [m] of selected load track polyline

Replace generated loads

replacement of already generated moving load(s) by new defined system