The Loads window is analogous to the Loads Definition window. Loads which are applied to the structure using the Loads Definition window, will be listed in the Loads window.

This table also can be filled in manual. For this purpose push in the button in the column Type and select the load type. Depending on the load type one or more fields become accessible and can be filled in. All fields can be typed. The columns Type and Direction also have a drop-down list with all available choices. You can enter a node or member number in the column Member/Node just by typing the number without prefix.
The first column at the last row (with * symbol at the beginning) is always free to add a new load.
Adding load cases:
Loads are grouped into Load cases. Load cases are shown in tabs at the bottom of the Loads Window. You will always see at least one load case (LC1) After adding loads, a second load case will appear. When you want to create a new load case, go to the next tab and repeat adding loads. Notice only the filled in Load cases are shown in the drop-down list in the Structure View.