The combination generator composes user defined load cases according to the selected code (EN1990/EN1991) and generates the combination based on the given boundary conditions.

Building type |
Building type selection according to the EN1990/EN1991. Used for determination of Ψ and load factors |
Reference time |
Suggested automatically using Building time selection. Can be changed manually |
Reliability class |
Suggested automatically using Building time selection. Can be changed manually |
Load comb. rule |
Selection of relevant article in the code to compose a certain set of combinations. It is determined automatically and can be modified manually |
Label |
L.C.1, L.C.2, L.C.3, ... L.C.i |
Description |
Load case |
L.C.Type |
Dead load, Imposed load, Snow, Wind, etc. |
Fav./Unfav. |
Is the permanent load favorable (+) or unfavorable (-) |
Category |
According to the EN1990/EN1991 |
Level |
Indicate on which level the load is acting |
Field |
Indicate on which floor field the load is acting |
Connected fields |
Generative Connected fields descriptor ID appears by using of the loaded area fields. Connected fields descriptor ID number is facing the loaded fields, which are connected by using the common loading edge(s). Usually Connected fields descriptor is generated by presence of the 2D-Grillage and FEM project |
Ψi |
Factor for defining the quasi-permanent load |
Ψk |
Correction factor for quasi-permanent load |
Cprob |
Probability factor. For general cases, Cprob is equal to 1.0 (which is equivalent to a mean reference period of 50 years) |