The eccentric shift of the loads is implemented only under the 2D-Grillage package. Only Z-direction loads (distributed or concentrated) can be applied eccentrically.
An eccentrically applied load describes the shift of the loading axis relative to the axis of the cross-section in the direction of the local Y-axis of a member. This shift can be defined as either a positive or negative value.
The data input of the eccentric shift is presented in the loads definition window and grid table, such as "Eccentricity: 0.000 m". The default value: 0.000 m is represented by no shifted loading position.
The local eccentric shift of the load is represented on the structure drawing, like a pair of loads: the concentrically placed concentrated load and the additional torsional moment load appearing due to the eccentricity.
The analysis calculation of the member-located eccentrically placed loading is aimed at accounting for the appearance of torsional force because of the eccentrically placed load. With the eccentric loads defined, the advanced analysis option of the reduced torsion is neither meaningful nor encouraged.