"Structure View" is the graphical representation of the structure and all related data. Dependent on the project part activated "Structure View" enables appropriate specific commands in the graphical area: General, Structure input, Loads input, Results, Joint Connections, Concrete, Steel, Timber
General: |
Selections Show and manage selections
Select node: Add properties to the selection of a single node or a set of nodes with one command. Click on a node to make it selected (hold Shift key to select a group of nodes). Another way to select a node(s) is to define a selection area by dragging the mouse pointer around the specific nodes or to select nodes in the grid:
The selected nodes are colored red (by default) in the graphical area
Select member
Select vertex (FEM)
Select border line (FEM)
Select plate region (FEM)
Snap to member
Snap to polyline (FEM)
Snap to grid lines
Snap to grid points
Zoom Window:
Fit to Window: |
Dynamic Zoom:
Previous view: Previous view of the structure
Dynamic Panning:
Orthogonal View
Isometric View: Used to review isometric view of a structure
Projection planes of a structure:
Dynamic view: Display freely rotated structure view: keep the left mouse button pressed down and move the cursor on the screen
Rotate X Axis Forward Rotate the virtual structure forward by X axis
Rotate X Axis Backward Rotate the virtual structure back by X axis
Rotate Z Axis Forward Rotate the virtual structure forward by Z axis
Rotate Z Axis Backward Rotate the virtual structure back by Z axis |
Structure input: |
Add members:
Delete members:
Move release: Move releases along the entire length of the member
Divide members:
Split members: Split the members in place of intersections
Internal objects adding mode: Add internal objects (such as supports, releases, etc.) to the member without dividing it at the points of adding objects:
O1 - an internal support on a member without "Internal objects adding mode" O2 - an internal support on a member with "Internal objects adding mode"
Create region: Create properties on a region
Create polyline: Create properties on a polyline |
Create point: Create properties on a point
Beam definition: Open beam definition window
Elastic foundation: Define elastic foundation properties for members
Fixed: Define a fixed support
Yr': Define rotation around local Y axis in a support
Springs: Define spring values in a support
Move Support: Move support along member axis
Split Supports: Insert support inside the member by splitting it in to two members
Delete Supports
Free: Define rotational free connection (release) of a member
Spring: Define spring value for release connection |
Loads input: |
Toggle Definition Window: View or hide the Definition Window in Loads Generator
Set Load's Category: Set load's category to structural member(s) in Loads Generator. Every first use of this button (if structural member has no load's category) assigns to relevant member initial state consisting of selected load's category name and automatically recognized field and level numbers dependent on the structure design; every next use of this button with the same or different load's category will only update the existing category, but not the field and level
Add movable partitions
Set Element's Classification Set element's classification to structural member(s) in Loads Generator; available classifications: If structural member was previously assigned to any element's classification, then every use of this button the existing classification will be updated to the new state
Set Roof Type: Set roof type to structural member(s) in Loads Generator. If structural member was previously assigned to any roof type, then every use of this button the existing type will be updated to the new state
Add Dead Load Element: Add dead load elements to structural member(s) in Loads Generator. Displayed load elements in Structure View layout directly depend on the values provided in the dead load elements choice grid. If the member is assigned to more than one dead load element, then every use of this button will add by one element to last existing |
Remove Dead Load Element: Remove dead load elements from structural member(s) in Loads Generator. If the member is assigned to more than one dead load elements, then every use of this button will remove by one element from last existing
Reset Floor/Field: Remove level, field and category state from structural member(s) in Loads Generator
Next Field: Update structural member(s) to higher by 1 field state in Loads Generator. If the member previously wasn't assigned to any field state, the Next Field button will be inactive to selected member
Previous Field: Update structural member(s) to lower by 1 field state in Loads Generator. If the member previously wasn't assigned to any field state, the Previous Field button will be inactive to selected member
Next Level: Update structural member(s) to higher by 1 level state in Loads Generator. If the member previously wasn't assigned to any level state, the Next Level button will be inactive to selected member
Previous Level: Update structural member(s) to lower by 1 level state in Loads Generator. If the member previously wasn't assigned to any level state, the Previous Level button will be inactive to selected member
Load Definition: Define loads and load cases. Apply loads to nodes and members in the local or global direction
Load Combinations: Define load combinations for ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) according to national codes
Fit Forces to Window |
Results: |
Axial Forces (Nx, Ny): Display axial forces on the structure (in brown color by default)
Biaxial Normal Forces / Principal Biaxial Normal Forces (Nx, Ny, N1, N2): Display biaxial normal forces / principal biaxial normal forces on the structure (in brown color by default)
Shear Forces Display shear forces on the structure (in blue color by default)
Concrete shear check (X, Y, uX, uY)
Bending / Torsional / Principal Moments (Mx, My, Mz, Mxy, M1, M2): Display bending/torsional/principal moments on the structure (in purple color by default)
Combined Moments (Mx+Mxy, My+Mxy) Reinforcement moment for the benefit of the required reinforcement at the top/bottom side in the X' or Y' direction [kNm/m]
Member deflections:
Nodal displacements Display nodal displacements on the structure
Show loads on structure
Show sum of loads for members
Display stresses on the structure
Filter sigma Set filter to sigma stresses
Apply some polygonal zone with predefined local directions |
Support Reactions: Display support reactions (shape X, Y, Z, Xr, Yr, Zr) on the structure
Soil pressure: Display soil pressure on the structure
Reinforcement: Apply multi-layer principal and/or secondary reinforcement on local direction zone(s) or the whole plate
As;req X: Required reinforcement in the local X’-direction [mm2/m]
As;req Y: Required reinforcement in the local Y’-direction [mm2/m]
Required reinforcement (As;req Bottom,X): Required reinforcement area at the bottom side in the X’-direction [mm2/m]
Required reinforcement (As;req Bottom,Y): Required reinforcement area at the bottom side in the Y’-direction [mm2/m]
Required reinforcement (As;req Top,X): Required reinforcement area at the top side in the X’-direction [mm2/m]
Required reinforcement (As;req Top,Y): Required reinforcement area at the top side in the Y’-direction [mm2/m]
Reinforcement legend
Value Range: Define value range of displayed results
LE results: Show/Hide linear elastic analysis results
Fit Forces to Window |
Joint Connections: |
Drawing print Print structure drawings including layout properties and preview
DXF print Print structure drawings as DXF files |
Relative Display the Unity check chart or M-Phi diagram in relative units
Absolute Display the Unity check chart or M-Phi diagram in absolute units |
Concrete: |
Set: Set concrete properties (such as deflections and displacements) to the structure
Add pile: Add pile to the foundation plan
M-Kappa intermediate results
Axial Forces (Nx, Ny): Display axial forces on the structure (in brown color by default)
Shear Forces (Vy, Vz): Display shear forces on the structure (in blue color by default)
Bending Moments (Mx, My, Mz): Display bending moments on the structure (in purple color by default)
Show loads on structure
Show sum of loads for members
Support Reactions: Display support reactions (shape X, Z, Yr) on the structure |
Fit Forces to Window
Select support
Add linear X dimension
Add linear Y dimension
Add aligned dimension
Drag dimension
Delete dimension
Grid lines: Manage grid lines. Automatically apply grid lines to the structure or manage them manually
Generate dimensions Automatically generate dimensions on the whole structure
Delete generated dimensions Delete automatically generated dimensions on the whole structure |
Steel: |
Set: Set steel check properties (such as cross check, lateral buckling, buckling, deflections, fire protection) to the structure
Steel temperature: Graphical representation of the fire protection analysis results
Ambient temperature: Graphical representation of the fire protection analysis results |
Fyd: Graphical representation of the fire protection analysis results (Fyd diagrams)
Timber: |
Set: Set timber check properties (such as cross check, lateral buckling, buckling, deflections, fire protection) to the structure |