Fig 1. Loads Generator Step 4: Snow Loads
Loads Generator recognizes snow impact on structural elements. User is expected to define parameters for the snow loads calculation.
Available snow geographical zones are represented in Region grid. Selected zones are shown on Zone map. Belonging on the regions terrains are listed in selectable Zone grid and must be selected too.
If structure roof is prevented from snow sliding, please select relevant option.
Snow region topography includes:
- normal
- sheltered
- windswept
Parameter | Description |
A (Sk) | site altitude above sea level [m] |
V | coefficient of variation of annual maximum snow load |
Snow load shape factor coefficient because of tilted solar panels:
The snow load shape coefficient µ1 for the tilted solar panel arrangement is taken as limit value µ1 = µp = 1 (PrEN 1991-1-3#7.5.2(7.5) ) assuming γ factor of 2 kN/m3, Sk = 0.7 kN/m2, and the default solar panel height ≥ 350 mm.
The modification of the shape coefficient µ1 for the solar panel can be chosen only on the roof or its part has an inclination angle α ≤ 5°.
The solar panel placement choice can be manually selected/deselected on the member by pressing the "Solar panel" button control.