Syntax: ffs="X|Y|Z|XR|YR|ZR"
- ffs = name (fixed, free, spring)
- X|Y|Z|XR|YR|ZR = code for supports in 6 directions
- For each calculation model, the supports in 6 values must be applied
Valid values:
- F = fixed
- 0 = free (value is zero, not character "O")
- Number = value of translation spring [kNm/rad]
ffs = "F|F|F|0|0|0"
- X|Y|Z = fixed
- XR|YR|ZR = free
ffs = "F|F|10000|0|0|0"
- X|Y = fixed
- Z = translation spring with value 10 kN/m
- XR|YR|ZR = free
ffs = "F|F|F|5000|5000|5000"
- X|Y|Z = fixed
- XR|YR|ZR = rotation spring with value 5 kNm/rad
Non linear spring supports
In the Z-direction it is possible to use non-linear (NL) spring supports. A distinction is made between a spring diagram for SLS and a spring diagram for ULS. For Z, 2 values are entered, separated by the ":" sign:
Syntax: ffs = "F|F|0:0|0|0|0"
- X|Y = fixed
- Z = 0:0, zie explanation variabele "ru" for NL spring diagram
- XR|YR|ZR = free
NL spring diagram
- For ULS: "RzULS(1):UzULS(1)|RzULS(2):UzULS(2)|...|RzULS(n):UzULS(n)"
- For SLS: "RzSLS(1):UzSLS(1)|RzSLS(2):UzSLS(2)|...|RzSLS(n):UzSLS(n)"
Syntax example:
ffs="F|F|0:0|0|0|0" ru="110000:0.05|100000:0.02|80000:0.01|0:0;120000:0.05|105000:0.02|85000:0.01|0:0"
- UGT/ULS veerdiagram: 110000:0.05|100000:0.02|80000:0.01|0:0
- GGT/SLS veerdiagram: 120000:0.05|105000:0.02|85000:0.01|0:0
Non Linear rotational springs
Similarly, a non-linear rotational spring can also be used in member releases.
For rotational springs no distinction is made between SLS and ULS.
Syntax example: