Meshing properties will automatically affect mesh generation process during analysis calculation or meshing.
Meshing property "Meshing method" enable to choose method for a mesh as "Fine", "Dense" or "Sparse". In case "Fine" or "Dense" is chosen, the meshing algorithm will follow its standard routine, i.e. generate as regular mesh as possible, trying to minimize the number of transitional elements (which appear between parts of the domain where elements of different sizes have to be generated, in order to satisfy prescribed step sizes on the entities). In the case of "Sparse" is chosen", however, the algorithm will generate in the domain's interior elements of increased sized compared to those that will be generated along the boundary. The program in that case will try to minimize the overall quantity of elements, paying less attention to the preservation of rectangular or near-rectangular shapes of the elements in general. Two examples of one and the same domain with "Dense" and "Sparse" options respectively are represented below.
Dense Fine Sparse
Settings "Fine" and "Dense" will deliver exactly the same results in cases when no internal points or entities for a meshing are present in the model. In case there are internal points or entities (sequences), setting "Fine" will deliver even more dense mesh than in case of setting "Dense". Users are advised to run a series of numerical experiments with their typical geometries, in order to establish what setting out of the three above is the most suitable for their purposes.
Meshing property "Division method" enable to choose method for divisions as "By distance" or "By parts". This property is describing minimal value of divisions on some boundary of the plate geometry design object. This parameter is defined as uniform for all the boundaries of plate geometry design objects (for plate itself, supporting, elastic foundation, loading etc.). Mentioned parameter could be automatically changed during meshing process, to make meshing possible. For example: case parameter "by distance" would be set to 1m but distance between some plate geometry design objects would be 0.5m, then this parameter would be automatically reset to 0.5m or less.
Parameter of "By parts" is refer to the minimal count of divisions by meshing on some plate geometry design object boundary.
Dimension method "By distance" is set to 1m. No internal objects are applied |
![]() Dimension method "By distance" is set to 1m. Internal object for supporting on distance of 0.5m is applied. Parameter "By distance" is automatically reset to make meshing process possible |
Meshing property "Refinement" enable choosing for mesh refinement properties in a neighborhood of some point or edge vertex defined plate geometry design object(s). Refinement is working on three kind of objects, as: free point geometry object(s), outer contour vertex geometry object(s) and hole (gap) vertex geometry object(s). Properties includes "Radius" of meshing zone and "Step" size, as maximal meshed element size inside refinement zone. For the outer contour corner vertexes of some geometry objects and corner vertexes of a gaps is obligated to define maximal inner angle between corner edges to be refinement point would be applied.
No refinement zone in the neighborhood of the "point support" object |
Refinement zone with Radius = 1.0m and step for 0.1m in the neighborhood of the "point support" object is defined |
a) because the refinement zone center does not coincide with the common point of two neighboring entities:

b) because the refinement zone "overlaps" another (unrelated) entity:

c) because the refinement zone protrudes to more than two entities of the same boundary:

d) because two refinement zones overlap:

e) all other imaginable combinations of cases (a), (b), (c), (d)...