A plane plate that should be modeled is loaded perpendicular to its plane.
Point object:

Point objects are used to position supports and concentrated loads. Point objects can be defined arbitrarily within a plate or they can be coincided with the corner points of a defined area.
Polyline object:

A polyline is a straight-line object or a number of continuous straight-line objects. Polylines are used to position supports and line loads. Polylines can be defined arbitrarily within a plane or they can be coincided with the contour of a defined area.
Area object:

An area is a well-marked surface. Areas are used to define plate or plate members with specific characteristics for plate thickness and material, to define elastic foundation, plane supports and planeloads.
Auto select (automatic recognition) of areas, polylines, free points, corner points, contours:

A recognized object turns respectively into blue and red.