Rz-Uz diagram for NL supports
It is possible to perform an advanced not linear (NL) analysis in case the degrees of freedom are defined by using a Rz-Uz diagram (R - force [kN], U - displacement [m]):

The option is available only if degree of freedom by Z axis defined as spring.
Requirements for Rz-Uz diagram input
1. diagram may not have discontinuity points (according to continuous function definition)
2. diagram may not be defined in II and IV quadrants
3. diagram is taking place in the first quadrant only (X,0,-Z) is describing the compression only support
4. diagram is taking place in the third quadrant only (X,0,Z) is describing the tension only support
5. diagram must be increasing without vertical (dX=0) or horizontal (dZ=0) branches:
- Vertical branch (dX=0) not allowed:

- Horizontal branch (dZ=0) not allowed:

- The diagram must be only increasing: any part of the diagram can't be directed down as:

6. zero point [0;0] is absolutely necessary
- The diagram without zero point can not be defined:
7. the diagram(s) can be defined respectively for the ULS and SLS loading situations
8. diagram(s) for the ULS and the SLS loading situations can be generated using MatrixTools® Geotechnics compression pile component and transferred to the MatrixFrame® by pressing the "Get diagram values from Geo" button