3D-effects with internal results

After selecting a 3D system (1 field, end field, inner field) for "Position main structure" option for internal results, the second properties set becomes available for entering the data for the third dimension:





Internal results Load report


With this option all intermediate steps from the iteration process can be saved as a load case in the load sheet. It shows the increase of water during a certain period of time

It’s a time consuming report

Internal results 3rd dimension

If you have purchased the license MatrixFrame® – 3D-Frames – basic, you can consult the internally generated 3D model, including the loads

When you select this option, the results won't be converted back to the 2D model. In order to view the results in 3D the project should be converted to MatrixFrame® - 3D-Frames through the Construct – Convert option the project to