Ribbon bar: Home
- Project: general project data such as project name, project number, constructor, client, etc. Also settings for the building type and category
- Part: free coding (numbers / letters) of a building part (for example: part 1)
- Strip
- Strip: free coding (numbers / letters) of a floor strip (for example: floor strip 1a)
- Section: section profile data of the floor strip such as length, cross-section and material properties
- Phases: information about the different construction phases
- Openings: data about openings in the floor strip
- Boundary conditions: data about boundary conditions, such as supports and internal hinges
- Generated loads: generated loads data
- Load calculations: spreadsheet for manual weight calculations and where the load generator result is shown
- Load cases: data on loads, grouped by load case
- Load combinations: combinations of load cases to load combinations, grouped into ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) combinations
- Status: data on the status and progress of the project
- Generate loads: Automatic generation of perm, variable and prestressing loads
- Generate load combinations: Automatic generation of load combinations in accordance with the set standard
- Calculate: perform the mechanical analysis for the determination of the prestressing forces, bending moments, shear forces, normal forces and deformations
- Results: Numerical and graphical display of the calculation results
- Concrete: information about reinforcement and possibility of manipulation of the reinforcement
- Weight: BOM-list for reinforcement staal and concrete
- Utils: data settings for multiple strips
Toolbar: Customize
- Edit
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Undo/redo
- View
- Window: turn on and off several window views
- Layout: panes can be switched and placed at your own discretion. There are 2 standard window arrangements (layouts): vertical and horizontal
- User tables
- Non structural elements:table with weights of non-constructive elements
- Concrete values: table with norm-bound factors
- Reinforcement tabels: table with available and applicable bar diameters and stirrup and net distances
- Instellingen
- General: code check settings
- View: view settings for input and results
- Users: user management
- Reinforcement: data for reinforcement, pre-stressed reinforcement and girder reinforcement
- Concrete: data and settings for concrete and reinforcement analysis
- User profiles: view setting for monitor and for printers, including template management
- Translator: option for authorised users only: management of languages for computer interface and for printed reports
- Autotester: option for authorised users only: testing and verification of input and analysis results
- License info: data about software license
Main menu
- Project new
- Project open
- Project close
- Project save
- Project save as
- Project info
- Print preview
- Report settings
Quick Access menu
- Project new
- Project open
- Project save
- Print preview
- Report settings
- Project info
- More commands: manage content quick menu
- Display quick menu above or below ribbon bar (default is above)
- Minimize ribbon bar