EN1990(Category, SubCategory, SubSubCategory, Period)
Probability factor Cprob according to EN1990
Category |
- |
category of use |
SubCategory |
- |
subcategory of use |
SubSubCategory |
- |
subsubcategory of use |
Period |
- |
reference period [years] |
Returns: Cprob

EN1991-1-1#5.2(Group, Material, Type)
Nominal density for construction materials according to EN1991-1-1#5.2, Annex A1, Fig. A1-A7
Group |
- |
construction materials group |
Material |
- |
construction material |
Type |
- |
minimal/maximal dead load for selected construction material |
Returns: nominal density D [kN/m3]
EN1991-1-1#6.3(Category, SubCategory, SubSubCategory, Type, Load, Value, Period)
Static characteristic values of imposed loads: concentrated load fk, distributed load qk according to EN1991-1-1#6.3
Category |
- |
category of use |
SubCategory |
- |
subcategory of use |
SubSubCategory |
- |
subsubcategory of use |
Type |
- |
min/default/max imposed load |
Load |
- |
concentrated /distributed imposed load |
Value |
- |
uniformly distributed load qk [kN/m2] or concentrated load Qk [kN] |
Period |
- |
reference period [years] |
Returns: fk [kN], qk [kN/m2]
Dynamic characteristic values of imposed loads according EN1991-1-1#6.3:
fk=fk*Cprob, qk=qk*Cprob
EN1991-1-1#, SubCategory, SubSubCategory, N)
Reduction factor alfa_n for loaded areas according to EN1991-1-1#
Cat |
- |
category of use |
SubCat |
- |
subcategory of use |
SubSubCategory |
- |
subsubcategory of use |
N |
- |
number of storeys (> 2) above the loaded structural elements from the same category |
Returns: alfa_n
EN1991-1-3#4.1(A, Zone, Region)
Characteristic value of snow load on the ground Sk according to EN1991-1-3#4.1
Region |
- |
European climatic region |
Zone |
- |
zone number given on the map |
A |
- |
site altitude above sea level [m] |
Returns: Sk [kN/m2]
Ground snow load Sn [kN/m2] according to return period according to EN1991-1-3#D:
Exposure coefficient Ce for determining the snow load on roofs according to EN1991-1-3#5.2(7)
Topography |
- |
different topography: windswept, normal, sheltered |
Returns: Ce
Thermal coefficient Ct used to account for the reduction of snow loads on roofs with high thermal transmittance (> 1 W/m2K) according to EN1991-1-3#5.2(8)
none |
Returns: Ct=1
EN1991-1-3#5.3(Roof, Alfa, Mu, H, B1, B2, MuMax, Sk)
Roof shape coefficient Mu according to EN1991-1-3#5.3
Roof |
- |
roof type |
Alfa |
- |
roof inclination angle [°] |
Mu |
- |
snow load shape coefficient: Mu1 or Mu2 |
H |
- |
numerical value of vertical dimension [m] |
B1 |
- |
distance length [m] |
B2 |
- |
distance length [m] |
MuMax |
- |
max(Mu1;Mu2) |
Sk |
- |
characteristic snow load on the ground [kN/m2] |
Returns: Mu
EN1991-1-3#D.1(V, Period)
Probability factor Cprob according to EN1991-1-3#D.1
V |
- |
coefficient of variation of annual maximum snow load |
Period |
- |
reference period [years] |
Returns: Cprob
EN1991-1-4#4(Z, Category, Region, Vb0, C0)
Peak velocity pressure Qp according to EN1991-1-4#4
Z |
- |
height above ground [m] |
Category |
- |
terrain category |
Region |
- |
whole Europe |
Vb0 |
- |
fundamental value of basic wind velocity [m/s] |
C0 |
- |
orography factor |
Returns: Qp [kN/m2]
Combination value of peak velocity pressure Qp [kN/m2] according to EN1991-1-4#4:
Basic wind velocity Vb according EN1991-1-4#4.2(4.1)
Region |
- |
terrain category |
Returns: Vb [m/s]
EN1991-1-4#4.2(Period, Region, K, N)
Probability factor Cprob according to EN1991-1-4#4.2(4.2)
Period |
- |
reference period [years] |
Region |
- |
European climatic region |
K |
- |
shape parameter depending on the coefficient of variation of the extreme-value distribution |
N |
- |
exponent |
Returns: Cprob
EN1991-1-4#4.3(Cr, C0, Vb)
Mean wind velocity Vm according to EN1991-1-4#4.3.1(4.3)
Cr |
- |
roughness factor according to EN1991-1-4#4.3.2 |
C0 |
- |
orography factor |
Vb |
- |
basic wind velocity [m/s], defined as a function of wind direction and time of year at 10m above ground of terrain category 2 |
Returns: Vm [m/s]
EN1991-1-4#4.4(Cat, Z)
Roughness factor Cr accounting for the variability of the mean wind velocity at the side of the structure according to EN1991-1-4#4.3.2(4.4)
Cat |
- |
terrain category (0-4) |
Z |
- |
height above ground level [m] |
Returns: Cr
EN1991-1-4#4.6(Category, Vb)
Standard deviation of the turbulence Sigmav according to EN1991-1-4#4.4(4.6)
Category |
- |
terrain category |
Vb |
- |
basic wind velocity [m/s], defined as a function of wind direction and time of year at 10m above ground of terrain category 2 |
Returns: Sigmav
EN1991-1-4#4.7(Cat, Z, Vm, Sigmav)
Wind turbulence intensity Iv according to EN1991-1-4#4.4(4.7)
Cat |
- |
terrain category (0-4) |
Z |
- |
height above ground level [m] |
Vm |
- |
mean wind velocity [m/s] |
Sigmav |
- |
standard deviation of the turbulence Sigmav according to EN1991-1-4#4.4 |
Returns: Iv
Peak velocity pressure Qp according to EN1991-1-4#4.5(4.8)
Iv |
- |
wind turbulence intensity according to EN1991-1-4#4.4 |
Vm |
- |
mean wind velocity [m/s] |
Returns: Qp
EN1991-1-4#5.3(Cs, Cd, Cf, Qp)
Wind force Fw acting on structure or structural component according to EN1991-1-4#5.3(5.3)
Cs |
- |
size factor as reduction effect on the wind action due to non-simultaneity of occurrence of the peak wind pressures on the surface according to EN1991-1-4#6.3 |
Cd |
- |
dynamic factor as increasing effect from vibrations due to turbulence in resonance with the structure according to EN1991-1-4#6.3 |
Cf |
- |
force coefficient for structure or structural element according to EN1991-1-4#7 or EN1991-1-4#8 |
Qp |
- |
peak velocity pressure according to EN1991-1-4#4.5 |
Returns: Cprob
EN1991-1-4#6(B, h, h1, Delta, N1x, Category, Region, Vb0, C0)
Structural factor CsCd according to EN1991-1-4#6
B |
- |
B² - background factor allowing for the lack of full correlation of the pressure on the structure surface, B=sqrt(B²) |
h |
- |
structure height [m] |
h1 |
- |
height [m] General shapes of structures covered by the design procedure. The structural dimensions and the reference height used are also shown: ![]() |
Delta |
- |
logarithmic decrement of damping |
N1x |
- |
fundamental frequency of along wind vibration [Hz] |
Category |
- |
terrain category |
Region |
- |
whole Europe |
Vb0 |
- |
fundamental value of basic wind velocity [m/s] |
C0 |
- |
orography factor |
Returns: CsCd
EN1991-1-4#6.2(Iv, B)
Size factor Cs as reduction effect on the wind action due to non-simultaneity of occurrence of the peak wind pressures on the surface according to EN1991-1-4#6.3(6.2)
Iv |
- |
wind turbulence intensity according to EN1991-1-4#4.4 |
B |
- |
B² - background factor allowing for the lack of full correlation of the pressure on the structure surface, B=sqrt(B²) |
Returns: Cs
EN1991-1-4#6.3(Iv, B, R, Kp)
Dynamic factor Cd as increasing effect from vibrations due to turbulence in resonance with the structure according to EN1991-1-4#6.3(6.3)
Iv |
- |
turbulence intensity according to EN1991-1-4#4.4 |
B |
- |
B² - background factor allowing for the lack of full correlation of the pressure on the structure surface, B=sqrt(B²) |
R |
- |
R² - resonance response factor allowing for turbulence in resonance with the vibration mode, R=sqrt(R²) |
Kp |
- |
peak factor defined as the ratio of the maximum value of the fluctuating part of the response to its standard deviation |
Returns: Cd
EN1991-1-4#7.2(Roof, Zone, Direction, Param, First)
External pressure coefficient Cpe for buildings and parts of buildings according to EN1991-1-4#7.2
Roof |
- |
roof type |
Zone |
- |
wind zone |
Direction |
- |
wind direction [°] |
Param |
- |
roof inclination angle [°] h/d - structure height and depth ratio hp/h - parapets height and structure height ratio r/h - eave edge radius and structure height ratio |
First |
- |
for first=false - the pressure changes between two values, so both values are given for first=true - is given single pressure value |
Returns: Cpe
EN1991-1-4#7.2.9(Cpe, Openings, Over)
Internal pressure coefficient Cpi for buildings with dominant face according to EN1991-1-4#7.2.9
Cpe |
- |
external pressure coefficient at the openings in the dominant face |
Openings |
- |
0.0x - for buildings without a dominant face 2.0x - for buildings with a dominant face, when the area of the openings at the dominant face is twice the area of the openings in the remaining faces 3.0x - for buildings with a dominant face, when the area of the openings at the dominant face is at least 3 times the area of the openings in the remaining faces |
Over |
- |
Overpressure: True/False |
Returns: Cpi
EN1991-1-4#7.3(Roof, Zone, Blockage, Angle, Downwards, HD)
Net pressure coefficient Cpnet for canopy roofs according to EN1991-1-4#7.3
Roof |
- |
canopy roof type |
Zone |
- |
wind zone |
Blockage |
- |
degree of blockage under a canopy roof: maximum all phi minimum phi=0 represents an empty canopy minimum phi=1 represents the canopy fully blocked with contents to the down wind eaves only |
Angle |
- |
roof inclination angle [°] |
Downwards |
- |
acting downward wind |
HD |
- |
ratio h1/d1, where h1 - canopy height [m], d1 - canopy dimension [m] along wind |
Returns: Cpnet
Friction coefficient Cfr for walls and roof surfaces according to EN1991-1-4#7.5
Surface |
- |
for smooth surface (i.e. steel, smooth concrete) Cfr=0.01 for rough surface (i.e. rough concrete, tar-boards) Crf=0.02 for very rough surface (i.e. ripples, ribs, folds) Cfr=0.04 |
Returns: Cfr
EN1991-1-4#B.1(Category, Z)
Turbulent length scale L representing the average gust size for natural winds according to EN1991-1-4#B.1(B.1)
Category |
- |
terrain category |
Z |
- |
height above ground level [m] |
Returns: L [m]
EN1991-1-4#B.3(b, h, L)
Background factor B² allowing for the lack of full correlation of the pressure on the structure surface according to EN1991-1-4#B.2(B.3)
b |
- |
structure width [m] |
h |
- |
structure height [m] |
L |
- |
turbulent length scale representing the average gust size for natural winds [m] |
Returns: B²