MatrixFrame API
The MatrixFrame API can be used as a COM module via C #. Below are a number of ZIP files with examples with programming code for applying the API.
MatrixFrame version 5.6:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 project:
Example file from ZIP:
namespace Mx { public sealed class Frame { static private MxTSurrogate550Lib.MxFrame550 m_Frame = null; public enum ETables { ET_NODALFORCES = 1, ET_MEMBERFORCES = 1 << 2, ET_DISPLDEFL = 1 << 3, ET_SUPPORTREACTIONS = 1 << 4, ET_FORCECUTS = 1 << 5, ET_DISPLCUTS = 1 << 6, ET_ENVELOPE = 1 << 7, ET_POLYNOMS = 1 << 8, ET_DEFAULT = ET_NODALFORCES | ET_MEMBERFORCES | ET_DISPLDEFL | ET_SUPPORTREACTIONS, ET_FULL = 0xFFFF, }; public static bool Create() { if (null == m_Frame) m_Frame = new MxTSurrogate550Lib.MxFrame550(); return 0 != m_Frame.Create(0); } public static bool Destroy() { return 0 != m_Frame.Destroy(); } public static bool Load(string path) { return 0 != m_Frame.Load(path); } public static bool LoadXML(string path) { return 0 != m_Frame.LoadXML(path); } public static bool Calculate(bool bAdvanced = false) { return 0 != m_Frame.Calculate(bAdvanced ? 1 : 0); } public static string ExportStructure(bool bToFile = true) { return m_Frame.ExportStructure(bToFile ? 1 : 0); } public static string ExportData(bool bToFile = true, ETables eTables = ETables.ET_DEFAULT) { return m_Frame.ExportData(bToFile ? 1 : 0, (int)eTables); } public static string ExportLog(string id, bool bToFile = true) { return m_Frame.ExportLog(id, bToFile ? 1 : 0); } public static bool SetSettings(string xmlSettings) { return 0 != m_Frame.SetSettings(xmlSettings); } public static bool SetLoadsGeneratorSettings(string xmlSettings) { return 0 != m_Frame.SetLoadsGeneratorSettings(xmlSettings); } public static bool RunLoadsGenerator() { return 0 != m_Frame.RunLoadsGenerator(); } static public string ShowSectionDlg(string strSection) { return m_Frame.ShowSectionDlg(strSection); } enum SteelChecks // same as in Redist\Steel\SteCalc\SteEnums.h { Steel_None_Check = 0, Steel_Cross_Check = (1 << 0), Steel_LatBuckling_Check = (1 << 1), Steel_Buckling_Check = (1 << 2), Steel_Torsion_Check = (1 << 3), Steel_Deflections_Check = (1 << 4), Steel_Fire_Check = (1 << 5), Steel_All_Buckling = (Steel_LatBuckling_Check | Steel_Buckling_Check), Steel_All_Buckling_Cross = (Steel_All_Buckling | Steel_Cross_Check), Steel_All_Buckling_Torsion = (Steel_All_Buckling | Steel_Torsion_Check), Steel_All_Buckling_Cross_Torsion = (Steel_All_Buckling_Cross | Steel_Torsion_Check), Steel_All_Check = (Steel_All_Buckling_Cross | Steel_Deflections_Check | Steel_Fire_Check), }; public static string CalculateSteel(int nChecks = (int)SteelChecks.Steel_All_Check, bool bToFile = true) { return m_Frame.CalculateSteel(nChecks, bToFile ? 1 : 0); } enum TimberChecks // same as in Redist\FrameWork\FrameWork\Timber\TimberData.h { E_NO_CHECK = 1, ///< Check not defined E_CROSS_CHECK = 2, ///< Cross check E_LATERAL_BUCKLING_CHECK = 4, ///< Lateral buckling check E_BUCKLING_CHECK = 8, ///< Buckling check E_DEFLECTIONS_CHECK = 16, ///< Deflections check E_FULL_CHECK = E_CROSS_CHECK | E_CROSS_CHECK | E_LATERAL_BUCKLING_CHECK | E_DEFLECTIONS_CHECK, } public static string CalculateTimber(int nChecks = (int)TimberChecks.E_FULL_CHECK, bool bToFile = true) { return m_Frame.CalculateTimber(nChecks, bToFile ? 1 : 0); } public static bool DongleIsModule(short nModule) { return 0 != m_Frame.DongleIsModule(nModule); } } }