According NEN6720#7.3.5 it is allowed to redistribute bending moments for continuous beams from support to field. It is allowed maximum 20% reducing of moments on intermediate supports. This redistribution can be controlled by mean of reduction coefficient Beta in General grid Group data tab.

Results of redistribution can be seen in graphical representation of bending moment diagram (continuous line – after redistribution and dashed – after redistribution) and also on grid colum Md tooltip.

By using redistribution feature it is possible to reduce bending moment differences on support positions and in the fields of continuous member.
Redistribution of bending moments will cause also changes in shear force diagrams.
In graphical view below continuous lines represent modified shear force diagram and dashed – initial shape of diagram. In grid it is shown modified values of shear forces Vd.

By using redistribution feature it is possible to reduce bending moment differences on support positions and in the fields of continuous member.