Deep beams assumptions
Deep beams are registered in the Code as - NEN-EN1992-1-1#5.3.1(3).
The requirements for minimum reinforcement according to the NEN EN1992-1-1# article are applied.
The design requirements described in article Cement'93 Nr.3 (77) are also implemented.
Lov definition
Lov definition - complex situation:

In this picture one structural member is shown. There are two points in which MEd = 0 (0.588; 18.21).
To decide which calculations rule (deep beam or ordinary beam) must be applied we need parameter Lov.
It is the distance between the M0 points in which MEd = 0. In a standard situation this distance will be found somewhere between the defined supports (in field). In this example spring supports are defined so we don't have M0 points between two defined supports (in field). So, for this situation, Lov = M0_right – M0_left = 18.21 – 0.588 = 17.622 (m).
Height of decisive section for deep beams calculations
Height of decisive section for deep beam calculations - complex situation:
In the picture above you can see that two different section types for this structural member are assigned: R240x3000 and R240x15600. Deep beam recognition depends on the ratio Lov/h. In this case we have one Lov value and two values for h.
For deep beam recognition in this situation a procedure will be performed for each type of section separately. It is possible that a part of the member located between the Mo points will be recognized as deep beam and the other part as a standard beam.
Calculation rules
Calculation of deep beams:
NEN-EN1992 and EN1992
Lov/h ≤ 3.0 than deep beam
Lov = distance between moment zero points in the field
For haunches Lov = 2a according to the CB4#3.1.1 page 59.
If there are no zero points of the field moment that is calculated, than the Lov points on the left and right side of the other fields will be detected. This means that Lov>L of the field.
See example CB4#4.4 page 98.
- NEN6720
- Lov/h ≤ 2.0 than deep beam
- Lov = distance between moment zero points in the field
For haunches Lov = 2a according to the NEN6720#8.1.4.
Calculation of "z" for static definite beams:
NEN_EN1992 and EN1992
z = 0.2 l + 0.4 h ≤ 0.6 l
z ≤ 0.8 h
l is the distance between the supports
For haunches z = 0.2 l + 0.4 h ≤ 0.8 l
l = 2a according to the CB4#3.1.1 page 59
h = hc
z = 0.2 l + 0.4 h ≤ 0.6 l
l is the distance between the supports
For haunches z = 0.2 l + 0.4 h ≤ 0.8 l
l = 2a according to the NEN6720#8.1.4
h = hc
Calculation of "z" for static indefinite beams:
NEN_EN1992 and EN1992
z = 0.3 lo + 0.3 h ≤ 0.75 lo
z ≤ 0.8 h
Lo = Lov for fields.
Lov = distance between moment zero points in the field
If there are no moment zero points in the field that is calculated, the Lov points on the left and right side of the other fields will be detected. This means that Lov is >L of the field.
See example CB4#4.4 page 98.
Lo = 1.5 Los for the supports
Los is the distance between the moment zero points of the supports moment
z = 0.3 lo + 0.3 h ≤ 0.75 lo
Lo = Lov for fields
Lov = distance between the moments zero point in the field
Lo = 1.5 Los for supports
Los is the distance between moments zero points of the support moment
Calculation of shear force for static definite and static indefinite beams:
NEN-EN1992 and EN1992
The same formulas as for standard beam see also CB4#2.2 page 77
vEd = Ved/(b d)
d = h – 0.5*x
x = minimum value of 0.2*l and 0.2*h
In VRd,s formula you should use z = 0.9 d
Calculation of side and vertical reinforcement for deep beams:
NEN-EN1992 and EN1992
NEN-EN 1992-1-1 art. 9.7
Distance horizontal and vertical ≤ 300 or 2 b
Amount of reinforcement horizontal and vertical ≥ 0.1%
See also CB4#2.3 page 77-78 Fig. 8.