The window General consists of several tabs. By means of the tab Supp. supports can be defined.
By means of this window the user can specify the concrete support: types, dimensions, Mpf (partial fixation) On or Off, rules for the envelopes transformations. Alterations in this tab influence the shape of the envelope. The first three columns are filled with labels of structural members and supports and the distance of an every support in relation to the beginning of a structural member.
In Sup column can be represented two types of supports – real supports (it can be piles or other type of support) and crossing members which can act as a support. It is possible to choose in column Mem if the crossing member is acting as support or not. If both types supports are acting at the same place, the biggest size of them is taken.
It is possible to select a support type from the drop list in the column Type. If a value of the support dimension has been entered in the column Dimension, the effect will be noticeable on the envelope moment diagram near the corresponding support. In case the support type is set to Round pile for internal forces the envelope transformations will be used an equivalent support size Deq it will be recalculated from circle diameter into width of rectangle:
Modification of the diagram is performed dependent on support or crossing member size. Crossing member size is filled in automatically and support type and size can be filled in manually.
If the NEN-EN or EN design codes are used for concrete member design, the Supp. tab is adopted for code requirements; so the Support Depth tab is not needed and is disabled.
In general the definition for the functionality of the support properties is the same for all codes. In the last two columns it is possible to choose the envelope modification rules.
It is optional whether shear diagrams can be topped (according to the support type and size). The moment diagram can be modified according to EN 1992-1-1# (3)(4). It can be set to the moment value at the face of the support (in case of monolithic support) or to a reduced value (in case of no rotational restraints).
Possibilities for bending moment diagram modification:
Moment diagram modification type in Supp. table, Mom. column |
Shape of moment diagram |
Not topped |
Face of support |
Reduced according to EN1992-1-1# |
Possibilities for shear force diagram modification:
Shear force diagram modification type in Supp. table Shear column |
Shape of shear force diagram |
Not topped |
Topped |