CE-eigenschappen / Property types:
- CEMark = 0
- Watertightness = 1, //Watertightness/Waterdichtheid: A value describing the water tightness of the brand.
- DangerousSubstances = 2, //Dangerous Substances/Schadelijke Materialen
- WindloadResistance = 3, //Windload Resistance/Windbelasting: A value describing the windload resistance of the brand
- DynamicLoadDoors = 4, //Dynamic load Doors/Dynamische belasting deuren
- LoadCapacitySafety = 5, //Load baring capacity of Safety devices/Dragend vermogen Veiligheidsvoorzieningen
- DoorHeight = 6, //Door Height/: the height of the (largest) door opening in the brand
- AcousticPerformance = 7, //Acoustic Performance/Akoestische Eigenschappen: Acoustic performance of the windowframe.
- ThermalTransmittance = 8, //Thermal Transmittance/Warmteoverdracht
- RadiationTransmittance = 9, //Radiation Transmittance/LTA
- SolarFactor = 10, //Solar Factor/ZTA
- AirPermeability = 11, //Air Permeability/Luchtdoorlatendheid