For an explanation of the tabs of the M-top, M-bottom, V-Shear and Deflections, see Formslab floors.
Hollowcore slab: prestressed:
- Position: start position of the strand.
- Length: length of the strand.
- Layer: location of the strand.
- h-dp: center of the strand measured from the bottom of the plate.
- Prestr.steel: material quality of the strand.
- Ep: modulus of elasticity of the strand.
- Sigma;pd: design prestress of the strand.
- Wire: number and diameter of the strands.
- As;oriv: mm2 of the applied strand.
- Sigma:pm0: stresses in strand after release.
- Sigma:pm,t stresses in the strand after a defined time.
- Check: the result of the norm-related checks is shown here. The controls are visible in the tooltip.
- Concrete:
- Prestress