
Displacements Vertical displacements for the 2D-Plate package [m]

Displacements X Displacements Y Displacements ZDisplacements for the 2D-Wall package [m]


All the values for the result part are calculated and represented in local coordinate system


Forces describing bending initiated by loading acting perpendicular to the plane of plate, thermal actions etc.:





Bending moment Mx

Bending moment Mx [kNm/m].Reading rule: Bending moment on the local Y’-axis is acting the cut perpendicular to the local X’ axis   

Calculated using FEM analysis

Bending moment Mx interpretation


Bending moment My

Bending moment My [kNm/m].Reading rule:Bending moment on the local X’-axis is acting the cut perpendicular to the local Y’ axis   

Calculated using FEM analysis

Bending moment My interpretation


Torsion moment Mxy

Torsion moment [kNm/m].Reading rule:Myx - torsion moment on the local Y’-axis is torque the plane  perpendicular to the local X’ axis   


Calculated using FEM analysis

Mxy = Myx (dual)

Torsion moment Mxy interpretation

Principal moment M1

Principal moment M1 [kNm/m].Reading rule:Principal moment on the local 2’-axis is acting the cut perpendicular to the local 1’ axis. Local  1’ axis (perpendicular to local  2’ axis) is representing rotated X’ axis where torsion moments vanishes  

Calculated using primary forces:

Principal moment M1 calculation


Principal moment M1 interpretation


Principal moment M2

Principal moment M2 [kNm/m].Reading rule:Principal moment on the local 1’-axis is acting the cut perpendicular to the local 2’ axis. Local  2’ axis (perpendicular to local  1’ axis) is representing rotated Y’ axis where torsion moments vanishes  



Principal moment M2 interpretation


Shear force Vx

Shear force Vx [kN/m]. Reading rule:shear force vector in local Z’ direction is acting the cut is perpendicular to the local X’  axis

Calculated using FEM analysis

Shear force Vx interpretation


Shear force Vy

Shear force Vy [kN/m]. Reading rule:shear force vector in local Z’ direction is acting the cut is perpendicular to the local Y’  axis

Calculated using FEM analysis

Shear force Vy interpretation



Forces describing plain stresses state by loading acting in the plane of plate, thermal deflecture actions etc. These forces are not acting in a bending only state:





Axial force Nx

Axial force Nx [kN/m].Reading rule:axial force Nxis working in direction of local X’axis the cut is perpendicular to the local X’ axis

Calculated using FEM analysis

Axial force Nx interpretation


Axial force Ny

Axial force Ny [kN/m].Reading rule:axial force Nyis working in direction of local Y’axis the cut is perpendicular to the local Y’ axis

Calculated using FEM analysis

Axial force Ny interpretation


Shear force Txy

Shear force Txy [kN/m]Reading rule:shear force on the local Y’axis is making shear on the plane is perpendicular to the local X’ axis   

Calculated using FEM analysisTxy = Tyx (dual)

Shear force Txy interpretation


Principal axial force N1

Principle axial force N1 [kN/m].Reading rule:Principal axial force on the local 1’-axis is acting the cut perpendicular to the local 1’ axis. Local  1’ axis (perpendicular to local  2’ axis) is representing rotated X’ axis where shear forces Txy=Tyx vanishes  

Calculated using primary forces:

Principal axial force N1 calculation


Principal axial force N1 interpretation


Principal axial force N2

Principle axial force N2 [kN/m].Reading rule:Principal axial force on the local 2’-axis is acting the cut perpendicular to the local 2’ axis. Local  2’ axis (perpendicular to local  1’ axis) is representing rotated Y’ axis where shear forces Txy=Tyx vanishes  


Principal axial force N2 interpretation