
The Results part is used to show the calculation analysis, the results represented in the tables of bending moment about Y and Z axis:

  • As;req [mm²] - required reinforcement steel area
  • w0 [%] - percentage ratio of the reinforcement area and the cross section area
  • Xu [mm] - width of cross section compression zone:
Width of cross section compression zone (front view)

Width of cross section compression zone (front view)


  • D - the distance from the edge of the compression zone to the reinforcement center:
D parameter on the cross section of the column (top view)

D parameter on the cross section of the column (top view)


  • Nt;Ed - normal force value moves from the General part
  • My;Ed - rotational moment on the y-axis value moves from the General part
  • Mz;Ed - rotational moment on the z-axis value moves from the General part