New project:
- Make a choice for the type of calculation model.
Open previous project files:
- Open existing project: opens a project file (* .mxf) from a previously entered and saved calculation model.
- Open existing MXML project: this opens a project file (* .xml) in XML format of a previously entered and saved calculation model according to the Matrix XML file format.
General project data:
- Project description: a free text field for the description of the project.
- Project number: a freely-to-fill project number.
- Client: a free name, description or reference about the client
- Part: a description or numbering of the part that can be filled in freely.
- Constructor: a field that can be filled in freely and refers to the person responsible for this calculation.
- Memo: a free input field that can be applied at your own discretion.
User profiles:
Many settings for the display are adjustable. MatrixFrame® comes standard with a few predefined sets of settings. These institutions arrange things such as:
- Position and dimensions of dialogs.
- Which parts (properties of the calculation model) are visible or not.
- Display settings of texts and captions such as position, size and rotation.
The settings are saved in * .MXP files (Matrix Properties). These can be managed individually or collectively. This set of settings applies at the start of a new calculation model. These are 'global' settings. If changes are made to the display settings, these are valid within the relevant calculation model. They are then 'local institutions'. The settings are then saved within the relevant * .MXF file. If these changed display settings also have to be available for other (new) projects, they can be saved (export) to a new or an existing default set of settings.
The following predefined (default) sets of settings are supplied as standard:
- Easy to learn, easy to use: display settings with a mix of graphical and tabular representation of the calculation model.
- Professional: display settings with a primarily CAD-oriented user interface, whereby the underlying tabular data can be consulted or edited as desired.
- Student: display settings that are primarily intended for educational purposes.
The display settings are saved in * .MXP files at the following (default) location:
C:\ProgramData\Matrix\MatrixFrame\[version number]\Properties\