Deflections association table treated in various codes:

Wnet,fin = Wmax; Wfin = Wtot; Wcreep = w2 (Qu.C.); Winst = w1 + w3 (Ch.C.)
Fig. 1. EN(NEN-EN, NBN-EN...)1990 (a) vs NEN-EN 1995 (b)

Fig. 2. ENV 1993-1-1 1(old code) interpretation

Fig. 3. NEN6702:2001
EN, NEN-EN, NBN-EN 1990; NEN-EN 1995 (Fig. 1) |
ENV 1993-1-1 (old code) (Fig. 2) |
NEN6702:2001 (Fig. 3) |
Description |
w1 (Pre-camber (wc) isn't taken in to calculation of w1) |
δ1 (including precamber - δ0 if it persist) |
Uon (including precamber - Uze if it persist) |
Initial part of the deflection under permanent loads of the relevant combination of actions immediately after loading. Pre-camber (wc) isn't taken in to calculation of w1 |
w2 wcreep (NEN-EN 1995) |
Not explicitly represented in the code |
Ukr |
Long-term part of the deflection under permanent load |
w3 |
Not explicitly represented in the code |
Not explicitly represented in the code |
Additional part of the deflection due to the variable actions of the relevant combination of actions |
wc Positive value – opposite to regular deflections |
δ0 |
Uze |
Pre-camber in the unloaded structural member (not calculated, user defined value) |
wtot (w1+ w2+ w3) |
Not explicitly represented in the code |
Utot |
Total deflection pre-camber (wc) isn't taken in to calculation |
wmax (w1+ w2+ w3) - wc |
δmax |
Ueind (Ueind = Utot - Uze) |
Remaining total deflection, where with taking in to account pre-camber |
(w2+ w3) Not explicitly represented in the code |
δ2 or δz (as Delta_z) |
Ubij |
Variation of the deflections due to variable loading + time dependent deformations due to permanent load. Exploitation stage of the building |
(w1+ w3) Winst (NEN-EN 1995) Not explicitly represented in the code |
Not explicitly represented in the code |
Uel |
Initial part of the deflection under permanent loads and additional part of the deflection due to the variable actions of the relevant combination of actions immediately after loading |
Working sample:
1. W1_from_analysis = 1;
2. Camber Wc = 2;
3. W1 = W1_from_analysis = 1
4. W2 = 4 (from analysis);
5. W3 = 5 (from analysis);
6. Wtot = W1+W2+W3 = 1+4+5 = 10 (no camber influence);
7. Wmax = Wtot - Wc = 10-2 = 8 (positive influence of camber upwards direction is added);
In case Wc = -2, then camber is downwards (could be in renovation because of damage)
UC -> Wmax/limit_defl -> depend on camber Wc
UC-> (W2+W3) /limit_defl -> undepend on camber Wc