Anchor bolts calculations implementation in MatrixFrame® is based on:
- CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009 Design of fastenings for use in concrete - Part 4-1: General
- CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009 Design of fastenings for use in concrete - Part 4-2: Headed Fasteners
- prof.dr.ir. D.A. Hordijk and prof.ir. J.W.B. Stark "Kolomvoetplaatverbindingen (Aanbevelingen voor de berekening volgens de Eurocodes)"
As anchor bolts with anchor plate behavior has some differences. If compared with headed fasteners it was used modified calculation method represented in the book of prof.dr.ir. D.A. Hordijk and prof.ir. J.W.B. Stark "Kolomvoetplaatverbindingen (Aanbevelingen voor de berekening volgens de Eurocodes)". This method takes into account behavior differences and assume plastic behavior of column base plate.
In anchor bolts with anchor plates calculation procedure these types of checks are performed:
- Tension resistance of anchors
- Shear resistance of anchors
- Pull out failure of anchor
- Concrete cone failure
- Splitting failure (calculations of necessary area of reinforcement to prevent foundation splitting failure) for two splitting directions As,x and As,y
- Shear failure of foundation (calculations of necessary reinforcement to prevent shear failure of foundation induced through anchor bolts) As,V
- Tension failure of foundation (calculations of necessary reinforcement area to prevent foundation tension failure) As,T