- Check: Calculation based on 1 drive level "Pile foot level";
- Design: Capacity calculation with drive level based on step value "zone interval" between "start zone" until "end zone".
Single pile/Pile group:
- Single pile: Negative skin friction calculation based on NEN-EN1997-1# (7d);
- Pile group: Negative skin friction calculation based on NEN-EN1997-1# (7e).
Municipality Almere:
Calculation method for compression piles:
NEN 9997-1 |
Advice from the municipality Almere |
Art. (5) – table A.10a and b: ξ3 and ξ4 are variables dependent from the number of CPT's and if the construction is stiff or not stiff: 0,91 < ξ < 1,39 |
Art. (5) – table A.10a and b number of CPT's n=1, so: ξ3 = ξ4 = 1,39 ξ3 = ξ4 = 1,26 (for stiff construction) |
Art. (3) Rc;d = Rb;d + Rz;d |
Art. (3) Rz;d ≤ 0,75Rb;d (skin friction part is limited) |
Art. (10e) qb;max ≤ 15 MN/m² |
Reference: Information sheet "Guidelines construction municipality Almere"
The footplate thickness tp of the steel tube pile (Fig. 1) is ignored, because it doesn't have any significant influence in to the calculation:

Fig. 1. Tube pile with the closed tube base