3D-effects without internal results

After selecting a 3D system (1 field, end field, inner field) for "Position main structure" option a second properties set appears for entering the data for the third dimension:




Number of girders

The number of girders perpendicular to the main structure, incl. edge girders. If there are no girders are applied select 0. In that case the roof plates are schematized directly on the main structure

Girder profile

Profile option of the girder according to profile database of MatrixFrame®

Girder camber [m]

Girder positioned in the center of the tapered lines; additional deformation  is constructed triangular

Support left girder

Edge girder on the left side of the selection is supported along the entire length; for example facade vertical beams

Support right girder

Edge girder on the right side of the selection is supported  along the entire length; for example facade vertical beams

Stiffness roof plates EI [kNm2]

See suppliers specifications. If EI=0 kNm2 has been selected, no roof plates will be generated within the 3D model

Width roof plate

Width of roof plate related to the stiffness mentioned above. It determines the number of members that should be generated

Dead load roof, [kNm2]

Load resting on roof. A 3D model is generated.  During the calculation a side-view of the 3D model will be shown briefly. After finalizing the calculation the results will be entered into the 2D model. Now the shear force from the girders is positioned as concentrated load on the main structure