
Sections "Sections" button is used to add new or change old assortments. After pressing this button all available assortments are shown in the left part of the window:


Sections tree


There are assortment properties listed in the right part of the window (General tab). The table consists of assortment code, bitmaps, description, remarks and material type.





The sections are classified by country (example: Russian sections) or producer (example: ArcelorMittal)


The bitmap of each assortment is shown (in the left part of the window) in case it is specified in the "Bitmap" column


There are full assortment names presented in this column


Comments could be written/edited in this column


Only assortments supported by MATRIX are listed in the tree. It shows that they are turned on in the dongle. The right column contains dongle protected items. If an assortment is set as "False" in the field "Rights", then only the "Remark" field can be edited by the user. It is also possible to add new series to the assortments or delete the existing assortments

Material types

There are default material types listed in this column. It is possible to choose material types from the drop-down list


By clicking on Materials button the new data can be added or the old values of material type can be changed


There are all available assortments represented in this table. If a new assortment is added, then the code, description and material type values should be entered as well. Once the table is filled in, the new assortment is shown in the assortments tree.


Each assortment may have one or more sections. If a new section is added, then the necessary assortment should be selected in the assortments tree. As a result, two new tabs (General and Check Method) will appear in the right part of the window:


Assortment (General tab)


The table (General tab) contains several columns:




Description The section code (or a full name) is presented in this column
Bitmap The bitmap of each assortment is shown (in the left part of the window) in case it is specified in the "Bitmap" column
Remark There are explanations about sections written in this column
Shape There are default section shapes presented in this column
Rotation Rotation angle
None / DB defined / UI defined


Shape, BiMaterial, Castellated, Cable and Tapered properties are chosen from the drop-down list


The table in the "Check Method" tab consists of two columns:


Assortment (Check method tab)




Description The section code (or a full name) is presented in this column
Check method Indicates a method describing how sections will be checked. The methods are chosen from the drop-down list