Mohr criterion

The Mohr failure criterion describing the conditions for which an isotropic material will fail, with any effect from the intermediate principal stress being neglected. Mohr can be written as a function of major and minor principal stresses, or normal stress and shear stress on the failure plane.


σe,t = σ1 - X ⋅ σ2

σe,c = 1/X ⋅ σ1 - σ2




σMohr = τmax




Mohr criterion



X = σu,t / σe,c

σe,t   – equivalent stress in tension;

σe,c  – equivalent stress in compression;

σ1, σ2  – principal stresses, σ1 ≥ σ2;

σe,c  – ultimate compression;

σu,t  – ultimate tension;

σMohr  – radius of the Mohr's circle.